Westergate Christian Fellowship

and it was good
Adam ate the fruit
and his sin separated us from God
Jesus came to be the way to God
and paid the price for our sin
But death could not hold Him
and He lives today
He will come again to judge the living and the dead
Are you ready?
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is are a small independent group of God’s people (the definition of a church). We have a strong Bible base to our Fellowship, as we believe that it is the divinely inspired Word of God.

We believe that God is unchanging, and that His laws and judgement are just and right. They will therefore hold true for all time.

Our meetings have times of praise, worship, prayer, and teaching. Anybody may contribute to the meeting.

While the speaker addresses the adults, the children go out to Sunday School. This is usually during the second half of the service.

At the end of the meeting we normally have coffee (or tea!) and biscuits.

The Fellowship has two elders, Dave Gwenlan and Mike Eades, who provide spiritual guidance and direction.

We remain committed to sound teaching of the Word of God and spreading the Good News of Jesus.

Please note that we are currently meeting jointly with Walberton Baptist Church on roughly alternate weeks. We invite you to join us at 10.30 a.m. on Sundays in either Eastergate Village Hall or Walberton Baptist Church.

Bible Studies are on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in members’ homes.

Please click here for details of future meetings.